Many people struggle as independent business owners. Lack of funds makes it hard for people to buy the latest gadgets, nicest commodities or basic necessities a business needs to run to its full potential. Having to buy external hardware just to keep track of the daily business activities is a huge struggle for many business owners. Every business runs on employees, therefore it needs a way to track hours that these employees work throughout the week. Clock in devices can lead up to 500$ and can end up breaking down due to wear or accidents. With Averiware, one has a “Timesheet” module were employees keep record of their time working for their employer. This solution eliminates the need to spend extra money on something that becomes futile with a high quality ERP solution like Averiware. Keep track of sales, accounting, billing, timesheets and much more at a cheap price. Efficiency skyrockets dramatically and ends up paying for its self. If you would like a free trial of Averiware today, feel free to visit us at Make your business great again!